Dr. Woody Johnson

Dr. M. Woodruff “Woody” Johnson, a Licensed Clinical Psychologist has actively and successfully traded stock options, forex and futures since 2000 and as well he is on the faculty of Online Trading Academy. He is the former Executive Director of the Kaiser Permanente, Watts Counseling and Learning Center. He holds certifications in Accelerated Learning, Neurosensory Development and hypnotherapy, and he is a Certified Neuro Linguistic Programing (NLP) Master Practitioner.

Dr. Woody is also an Associate Professor and teaches graduate psychology courses at Pacific Oaks College and Ryokan College. He has provided clinical staff services in hospitals and community clinics as well. He has a passion for helping others to achieve their goals and get the results in trading and life that they desire.

Dr. Woody is currently President of Peak Performance 2000, a center for sensory development and human potential. It provides for development of the brain/mind and senses through the use of sound and language. The Center incorporates the latest neuroscientific technologies of transformation, change and internal balancing to accomplish maximization of personal performance. Dr. Woody has been using mind/body healing techniques both professionally and personally with much success for many years. He is the author of “From Pain to Profit: Secrets of the Peak Performance Trader.”

Continued growth and wellness are issues central to quality living and happiness. Furthermore, potential actualization and wellness, to a large degree, are functions of the individual’s ability to effectively deal with stress and stressors. These are the areas of human development training that Dr. Johnson has been involved with for many years. He has trained individuals and groups in the art of stress reduction and stress management techniques and has found that these techniques significantly increase general performance levels. He uses stress reduction and management techniques in conjunction with other tools to help clients be the best that you can be. His goal is to help you realize your true potential through the latest applied technology in sound, light and whole brain retraining techniques.

Dr. Woody developed this new approach to mental retraining by combining several scientific techniques; such as, hypnosis, guided imagery, neuro-linguistics, and brain integration. Termed Therapeutic Mind Theater ™ it gently directs the mind through a journey of sensual colors, textures, sights and emotions. This carefully designed and balanced program retrains the mind with pleasurable words and sensations. Additionally, it helps the mind to achieve its own natural balance and healing state through brain wave entrainment. Therapeutic Mind Theater ™ is available on CD designed to address a number of issues.

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